Category: ENERGY

  • Helping children make friends: What parents can do

    Helping children make friends: What parents can do

    We all want our child to have friends. We want them to be happy, and to build the social skills and connections that will help them now and in the future. Sometimes, and for some children, making friends isn’t easy. This is particularly true after the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of isolation and remote school, many…

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  • Gratitude enhances health, brings happiness — and may even lengthen lives

    Gratitude enhances health, brings happiness — and may even lengthen lives

    Several evenings a week, as Tyler VanderWeele gathers around the dinner table with his wife and two young kids, the family deliberately pauses during the meal to do something simple but profound. Each member shares several things for which they’re grateful — an act that VanderWeele, co-director of the Initiative on Health, Spirituality, and Religion…

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  • Protect your skin during heat waves — here’s how

    Protect your skin during heat waves — here’s how

    Global average temperatures have soared in 2024, surpassing records set just last year. Extreme heat poses numerous health risks, some of which are visible on our skin. Understanding how heat affects your skin can help you take measures to prevent or ease heat rash, eczema, rosacea, the discoloration of melasma, and many other skin conditions…

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  • Respiratory health harms often follow flooding: Taking these steps can help

    Respiratory health harms often follow flooding: Taking these steps can help

    Heavy rains and sea level rise contribute to major flooding events that are one effect of climate change. Surging water rushing into buildings often causes immediate harms, such as drowning deaths, injuries sustained while seeking shelter or fleeing, and hypothermia after exposure to cold waters with no shelter or heat. But long after news trucks…

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  • Boosting your child’s immune system

    Boosting your child’s immune system

    Parents often wonder: What can we do to keep our children healthy? Are there ways to boost the immune system and ward off illnesses? The answer is yes — but there are no magic wands or magic supplements. The best way to keep the immune system healthy is, basically, to take necessary steps to keep…

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  • Dengue fever: What to know and do

    Dengue fever: What to know and do

    Mosquitoes are not just a buzzing summertime nuisance; they can carry serious diseases like West Nile virus, malaria, and Zika. In recent months, the US has seen an unusual spike in the mosquito-borne illness dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever. What is dengue, and where is it occurring in the US? How does it…

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  • Want to cool down? 14 ideas to try

    Want to cool down? 14 ideas to try

    You’re huffing and puffing and starting to sweat — and that’s just from walking across the parking lot in blistering heat and humidity. This summer has left us all struggling to stay cool. “The last 13 months have been the hottest on record. We’re seeing increased levels of heat-related illness, and it started earlier in…

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  • How — and why — to fit more fiber and fermented food into your meals

    How — and why — to fit more fiber and fermented food into your meals

    An F may mean failure in school, but the letter earns high marks in your diet. The two biggest dietary Fs — fiber and fermented foods — are top priorities to help maintain healthy digestion, and they potentially offer much more. How can you fit these nutrients into meals? Can this help your overall health…

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